Tuesday, January 23

Detox Day 1 Report (one day late...)

My report... (so cece... i hope its encouraging... kih kih kih..)

Yesterday I consumed the following:

Toast with camembert cheese
One cut-up fuji apple
a bunch of grapes
one mug of tea
lemon-apple juice from San Fran
honey dew
water, water, water


ikan masak kicap
sayur air

mind you... its my first day. i was head-achy by 4ish... by 6pm i was starving hence the ikan masak kicap and sayur and ulam and sambal (not suppose to have sambal duting detox...) SANS the rice ok...

oh... and i have a bit of my favourite (non-detox... :( ) drink.. Lipton green tea with lemon...

i did a bit yoga... did it half-way coz hunny came over... so we watched "House " instead.. hehe

okay.. today.. as of 11.46am, i've only had

toast with camember cheese
a bit of tea
one green apple
a bunch of grapes
water, water

updated: 24 Jan, 11.51am

i had mushroom soup and orange juice from san francisco... it wasnt very filling and nice either...
i bought more fruits.. i got fuji apple and ciku. but i ended giving my ciku to my boss...

and.... i had dinner. so much for my detox diet. i had only lauk ok...

today will be another detox day... but not a full-blown one. not that the previous days were "full-blown" detox day... i will continue with this diet until i see results.. (note to self: no dinner, no dinner, no dinner)

wish me luck y'all

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