Friday, March 3


i started my morning as usual... sleepy eyed... walking mabuk-ly to the toilet to 'pasang air'... went to my room to make the bed... and while i was mabuk-ly making the bed... i got stung my a damn BEE! then definitely woke me up! i had to take out the sting... didnt hurt very much and thankfully im not allergic to bee sting... so i had to go work... so to work i went..

had lunch with girlfren and him... found out a couple of unbelievable news that cant be told here... p&c mah... sorry... anyhow... i was due for a presentation at 3.30pm with the dreaded boss and jovial lady boss...

so 3.oopm came... my dreaded boss wasnt in yet...i was SO relieved... but at 3.20 ish he came back... which brought up nervousness up up up and away... had the presentation at 3.45ish... but dreaded boss didnt come in... only jovial lady boss.. my heart did a triple somersault of happiness.. so did the presentation with much relief... at at 4.45pm, dreaded boss came in... my heart plummeted again... and the laptop chose that precise moment to hibernate aka habis batterylahh.. had to run back to the office (presentation was in one of the 'sejuk giler' conference room) for the back... quickly plug it in.. restart pc... and then dreaded boss say... "start again"... urrrghhhh....


so started again... this time die kurang marah... a lot less scolding. he didnt look too good so maybe taht y... but questions where there of course... and of course he asked questions i couldnt answer... it wasnt too bad this time... finished quickly, so i was done by 5.30pm.... yippie...earlier than last week..walked back home... yes i did!!

at then didie called... went to hartamas shopping center for makan. ate at Sao Nam...vietnamese restaurant... ambience was great... their interior design was very chic... at least i thot it was... took photos... uploaded later2... had fun with... chit-chatted... havent seen her in a looooong time...

im done... a new laptop... so im gonna 'godeh' my new laptop now..


1 comment:

Little Sandhurst said...

So jealous, u had a good day.Mine was quite, eventful.Gaduh with frens. I tell i really have very sensitive and metrosexual frens pening siut.accident plak tue, jalan kaki from here and there.interview yg agak pelik cos they forgot abt me coming in.U lucky tul la.. can godeh2 ur new laptop.Takpela ur "rezeki".So bile nak i make u gourmet meal? hehehe..
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