Saturday, August 13

donkey years

it's been a long while since i last blogged. anyways.. life goes on.. work is going down... it's so boring...not challenging... love life.. broke up with him... hooked with another pretty quickly. a fren...actually an ex thinks i have some sort of psychological problem or something... hmmm... maybe i do. what the heck? live and let live

i just turned 24. geez... i'm getting old. ppl my age are getting married. here i am... fresh out of one relationship... jumping straight into another, suicidal i think... what's done, is done. so... as i was driving along the other day... i thought, now that i'm 24, what have i achieved so far in life.

achievement no 1: i graduated.. hehehe... 2 yrs back
achievement no 2: i have meself an apt... which i'm gonna go bankrupt pating for it later
achievement no 3: hhmmm.... i'm thinking hard...
achievement no 4: thinking really really hard....

oklah... 2 achievements... aiyo! so little.. it's alright...

i guess making new friends is an achievement too... well then, i made plenty this year...

so now... what do i do next? i should get meself a better job or career... i'm gonna try out for mtv vj hunt tomoro... so cheer me on from wherever you happen to be.

my new bf says i complain a lot. i think i do too. but only to him, i think. i dont think i complain to my freinds... oh well... if i cant tell him all these things, he might as well not be my bf then... senang saje...

current issues.. not-so current actually.. haze was pretty bad. i got sick.. it first it was like tipu-sakit but then i got really sick. did my hair... highlight... spent 4 hours at the salon... and i still sick that day... the things women do!



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