Tuesday, February 15

post-valentine day

valentine's was ok. just had dinner at this place called yippee cup. the food was ok. i had fun... we played jenga. i had bubble tea... reminded me of the time i went to perth and went for lunchie with tasha at this place that had vegetarian chicken. long long time ago... anyway, i got him a card holder from braun buffle... which he decided to change it for a wallet. so we're going to klcc today to change it.

my long long holiday was dull. parents away... boyfriend away... but i did have fun. watched constatine...twice. not by choice, though. went to cousin's wedding... met cousin's from the side of the family... and i so want to work at CIMB. macam best je... oh well... the grass is ALWAYS greener over the other side. went out with my friend to poppy/passion. was fun...fun! mom's car had problem just as i was gonna go had lunch with finas... sob... sob. sorry finas. then my car broke down just as we were about to go for my cousin's akad nikah. aiyoooo...

in summary.... the long holiday wasnt as i expected it to be.


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