Monday, July 9

i am very sleepy...

i have a hard time waking up every morning

why is that eh?

maybe its because i sleep late every night


so... last weekend was a 'wedding' weekend..

next week too...

it seems like everyone is jumping into the bandwagon...

gatal eh semua orang nak kahwin.. huhuhu...

anyway... congratulations are in order ... to:-

nora and fizal

odie and tarmezee

jua and iz (i think...)

and my darling cousin who just got engaged on 07.07.07

lishie and shimi!

congratulations darling!!!

i watched 'transformers' last last weekend!

it was fabulous!!! i was literally sitting at the edge of my seat the whole time

well... almost... i was SOO jakun k...

megan fox is hot... when i grow up i wanna be just like her... ermm....

shiah something is the like the comellest dude ever ...

the army guy... boyfren fergie tu... sangat hot jugak!!!

omg! it was good... before the movie... i was falling asleep

start je movie... my mata terbeliak like kucing tgk lipas... heheh...

something like that... i wanna watch it again...

anyone? jomlah...

i belanja! u bayar k... ;)

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