Monday, April 16

healthy( ?) weekend

i had a rather "healthy" weekend in all weekends so far this year

normally... my weekends are usually filled with house chores, weddings, TV, window shopping and chilling with Mr Bf... but this weekend... there was still a wedding to attend annnddd... i actually played futsal that night. i actually ran around the court just in case you guys thought i was "warming the benches"... and i kicked the ball too k. so that was saturday... Mr Bf din play coz he's injured from the accident he had a few days ago. his knee is blue, black, red and yellow... eeewwww.... but i love you anyway...

then sunday... i went to the gym. i need to lose the flab around my tummy for perhentian. and FAST too...

so today... my lower body aches... my kaki is very lenguh... damn! i cant cross my legs properly. i literally have to carry one leg over the other -_-

anyhow... that was my weekend amidst the chores that i tried to avoid doing (but failed miserably), watching TV and sleeping.

OH! and i found out that the yoga instructor din win.. i am sad for here...

i have nothing else to write...

im having chocolates... oh la la la

and its raining... yet again...

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