Tuesday, March 6

sway with me..

today... at approximately 11.50 ish while sitting quietly at my desk, i felt myself sway. and i thought to myself... "pening ke?" then i felt the swaying again. i look at my water bottle just to make sure that it was me having a headache and not the building swaying... and guess what i saw? the water in the bottle was moving...

i panicked! i quickly stood up... and saw my colleagues looking at each other. one asked if anyone felt anything... immediately everyone (in the unitlah...) started talking including me. i saw another colleague at the other end of the office reaching for her bag. then, another colleague asked everyone to leave the building. then another one was almost histerical... walking very fast out of the office saying "building goyang, building goyang!" apelagi... semua paniclah... we took our belongings... and rushed out! crammed into the lift... and went down.

when we got to ground floor... everyone was as usual... like nothing happened... we stood around... (terkena pulak... t-shirt day, so everyone was wearing our red campaign t-shirt) looking very boria in our t-shirt. since no one could tell us anything, most of us went for lunch.. it was 12 ish by then.

i went to kfc... so much for my diet! oh my god... goyang again!!! its exactly 1.51pm now... its stronger than the one before. scary shit!!

anyway... sumatra had an earthquake. 5.8 on the richter scale. read here! and we felt the tremors... we are on the 34th floor. so we can imagine how we felt... manelah kot-kot the building nak runtuh ke *looking for wood touch* wallahualam...

oklah... enough drama for today... hopefully no more tremors...


Anonymous said...

just out of interest, is it recommended that you head for the lift when something like this happens ? is that the main mean of escape?

keesha said...

not really... this only happens when everyone(in the dept)panics and too lazy to run down the stairs considering we're on the 34th floor........

if there a fire drill practice... die! ;)

zyrin said...

you used the elevator??? ekekekekeke...

the gd thing abt working that high up is the view. the bad thing is when things like these happen, jauhnya nak menyelamatkan diri...

i thank God that i'm only 5 floors above street level ;)

keesha said...

5 floors only??! and u could feel the tremors too??? wow!!! kuat jugak gegaran kan...