Tuesday, April 25


so i watch gubra... it was good... it doesnt really have a specific story line. just a bunch of tiny stories into one. more like 2 different stories lumped into one movie.. weird. but it was touching. i nearly cried... oklah i cried! but it was really touching...

i thot adlin aman rosli was good... sh amani was great. i wanna have a bf just like him... i wanna be as tiny as orked with my husband... gile romantic and charming...hhhmmm... i wished my bf was like that... but he isnt. maybe i should do something about it... like....

i bought this relationship self-help book "why men love bitches" ... up to page 30ish... so far, very interesting. its mainly for woman who feel i undervalued by their partner... mainly woman who are too nice as it says in the book...

went to the KL business club function with the PM... so many, many cute professional men... "dreamy eyes" hhmmm... ppl goes to these functions who reasons like networking and meeting the PM but for me it was also for networking but in a different sense... kih khi kih... i wished i had more guts to talk to them... aiyoo...

i have a crush on someone new.... kih kih kih...


Mr Hobo said...

do u fancy guys with sepet eyes ... (how're u doin'?)

keesha said...

sepet eyes... i like... heheh

Cosmic_GurL said...

Lerr...ader jugak sesat si Hobo ni kat sini. Ahaks..Keesh, I sudah angau dgn 3 guys from the dinner hari tu. Hehehe..I also wish I had more guts to talk to them. Kita serupa!

keesha said...

saya juga, saya juga! and also ashraff sinclair.. he may not win the most eligible award but he won my heart *swooonnn* hhehehe