Thursday, March 31


mom is back from shanghai. so... everything is back to normal... the nagging, my 'quaker-oats' bekal (tupperware) breakfast, simple dinners at home....

came back from work really late... well.. it was much later than usual. all bcoz some stupid contractor came for installation late. bodoh!!!! and me being a diplomatic person that i am barely made any noise. i should have but i didnt. i didnt know how to anyway. i shud learn how to be more garang.. at least know how to scold ppl other than my siblings and boyfren. talking abt him... i havent spoken much to him in the last 3 days (yeah, yeah... i know it aint that long... but this is me! i NEED communication!) much less seen him...

my boss is on mc... kesian her. heheheh... got loads of free time (for now) in a way until all the bills comes in... then i'll be knee-deep in work.

i have now become an earthquake-avid-news-seeker... my condolences to all that parished in Monday's earthquake. my dad is safe (he was in the northern region at that time), he didnt feel anything. watlehhhh... so near and yet he didnt feel anything. then i found that my mom was NOT caught in any earthquake in shanghai. she found out about the earthquake here even before i did. talk about mis-communication!!! (she msg me at 7am... and nooo i was not awake yet...even for work) here i wasworrying about my mom's safety in a foreign land far far away (heheh.. not-so far away.. shanghai is only 5 hrs away by flight) rupa-rupa nyer she was referring to us back in mesia.

i'm at work... getting teased by my colleague. i must stop now!


tantegirang said...

hey earthquake-avid-news-seeker,
this site'll help. you can sign up for email alerts for every EQ happening anywhere around the world. Just click on EQ Notification Email -> Worldwide EQs -> Bigquake.

keesha said...

heheh... thanks a bunch!!