Wednesday, January 19

weekend review

so saturday - was a working day for me. we had what we call a ''Voice Day'' where we kuci-rat ppl can question the administration...lebeh kuranglah... yeah, so we had that from 11.30 to 1tgh. and we kuci-rat ppl had to stand the whole time. the room was to small for everyone to be sitting in anyway but it was tiring! after rushed back home... showered and went to auntie's place in nilai. that day was the ''aladad khan invitational golf tournament'', so golf in the hot, blistering afternoon and good food at night. my...was the food good. we had roast lamb and caesar's salad and kuey tiaw and fruits and malay dessert which i dunno what u call them but it was good. i had my cousins with me... it was fun. had my little niece too. she is so cute... she calls me ''kia''

sunday - didnt do much. had lunch with an old fren. then went to ikea to look for my shelves and then to bsc to meet my girlfren. we had a nice, long chat at coffee bean. i shud do this more often instead of seeing him everyday like a stupid dungu. anyways...

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