Wednesday, September 29

Not A busy Day

not at all busy day... i'm leaving tomorrow...hehehe....YAY YAY!! i seriouly cant wait!!! other than that, life is as usual. nothing great... except the lock-out-of-house-after-swimming incident. so the story goes... we went swimming at my fren...xana's place, the 3 of us...happily went swimming at about 8pm. it was cold but we went anyway. then, we went back to the house... my now not-so-cute fren didnt lock her house door thinking that her housemate (whom usually sleeps early...according to xanalahh) is at home and we're going swimming...the pool wasnt faraway anyway.

so, the unexpected happened... the housemate went out. locking the duh??!! so we were stuck...cut long story short. my fren.. angie had to ask a cute guy for small change...forty cents to be exact to make a call. malufying!!! so we got the change, xana called her another housemate... to come back quick. she said she nearby...her nearby took her about 45 minutes to get to the apartment. initially, we were cold, really cold. by the time arrived..we werent that cold...half dry by then.

after that, the 3 of us... mandi malaysian idol...jac and dina were superb!!! please vote for them!!! then, we had dinner at pelita, bangsar. good food... so much for swimming (konon...wanted to exerciselah.. yeah right!) after that, Blook... window-shopping..hehehe..then, hE came to pick me up..then i went home... it was nice...really...

wonder wat xana & angie has to say about it?!!

calos babes

Friday, September 24

Not so new

just wanted to be in the same blog community with other frenzie frenz. was in xanga...but didnt like it that much. can check it out if you want to. go to kishkish!!... swimming later with girlies...yay!!! need to burn those fatsss real soon or i might just lose a bet.